Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Missing Rachel

I was missing Rachel. I miss her sunshine. I have never known anyone with a sunnier disposition. It's hard to think of too many cases where she was brooding or sad. I'm proud of her for serving the Lord as a missionary with that same kind of joy and happiness. Then I stumbled across this picture of the life-size cut-out that she left for Todd. It made me smile.


Unknown said...

I miss her too. I can't wait to see her smile. I love her to pieces.

The Gallands said...

We miss her too- she lights up the room and those in it wherever she is!!

Mandi said...

We all miss her here too. She is a bright, shiny, happy smily girl and we always need someone like her around!! But boy time has flown by since she left, it won't be long before she is home.